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 Continuing Education

The wonderful byproduct of loving being a therapist is the passion I have to bring the best version of myself into the therapy room. I consistently engage in continuing education and various consultation groups to keep myself clinically sharp and to be able to bring you, my client, the most effective modalities in the field.  Here is some of the additional coursework I have taken to increase my capacity to meet your therapeutic needs.    


Calming an Overactive Brain

CBT for Anxiety

Certified Family Trauma Professional Training

Certified Trauma Professional Training - Level 1

Childhood Grief and Traumatic Loss

Depressed, Borderline or Bi-Polar: Accurate Diagnosis and Best Treatments

Disarming the Narcissist in the Treatment Room

Dynamics of Narcissistic/Difficult Relationships

EMDR Level 1 & 2 - Trained by Creative Mindfulness Institute

EMDR Level 3 - Attachment Focused Trained by Parnell Institute

Emotional Abusive Behaviors and a Closer Look at Gaslighting 

Fundamentals of Therapy with LGBTQ Clients

Gottman Method Couples Therapy - Level 1

Gottman Method Couples Therapy - Level 2

Grief and Grieving with David Kessler

Havening Techniques for Treating Trauma, PTSD and Anxiety

Healing from Toxic Relationships 

Imago: The Listening Cure

Internal Family Systems for Trauma, Anxiety, Depression, Addiction and More

Intimate Partner Violence in LGBTQ Communities

Intro to Working with Dissociative Identity Disorder

Living with Loss: Suicide and Traumatic Death

Malignant Narcissism as the Core Madness of the Cult Leader

Manipulators & Character Disorders: Interventions, Perspectives and Strategies

Military Sensitivity Training Tier 1, 2 and 3

Mindfulness & Hypnosis

Mindfulness, Healing and Transformation: The Pain and the Promise of Befriending the Full Catastrophe

Narcissistic Abuse In Depth

Narcissistic and Psychopathic Abuse - A Clinicians Guide

Neuroscience Certificate Course for Clinical Practice

Nutrition in Today's World: Healthy Trends that aren't so Healthy

Overview of Narcissistic Personality Styles for Therapists and Coaches 

Play Therapy for Grief & Loss

Primer on Transgender Care

Providing Effective Therapy for Adult ADHD

Restoring Joy to Children and Their Families

Shame and Self-Loathing in the Treatment of Trauma

Shame Shields by Brene Brown

Taking in the Good, Reducing Affects of Negative Bias

The 10 Core Competencies of Trauma Treatment

The 10 Core Techniques for Healing from Narcissistic Abuse

The Pathology of Perfectionsim 

Therapy with Children

Trauma, Attachment and Neuroscience

Trauma Defined: Bessel Van der Kolk on The Body Keeps the Score

TRM - Trauma Resiliency Model, Level 1

TRM - Trauma Resiliency Model, Level 2

Understanding Mixed Raced Identity Development

Violence Within the Home and its Effects on Children

Working with Childhood Sexual Abuse Survivors from a Structural Dissociation Perspective

Working with Self-Injury in your Practice

Working with Dissociative Identity Disorder Part 2 - Treating Ritual Abuse



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©2024 Carol A Williams, LMFT, LPCC, LPC, LCPC DBA Momentum Therapy

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